MadMappers' Forum

The Forum is where it all happens: MadMappers meeting point to exchange techniques and seek advice. If you are a beginner it is the place to start, if you are an expert professional you will be amazed how much expertise and passion is out there!

The Madmappers forum runs on Yahoo groups. You will need to sign in with your Yahoo ID to join the forum. If you do not have a Yahoo ID, sign up for one - it is free. Just follow the links on the forum's Yahoo page.

Join the forum at

There is an enormous amount of raw data on the web which requires added processing before being practically useful. Whenever you identify raw data feel free to contact us: we will advise and assist you in data processing so that a new improved MM mapset can be produced. Whenever you contribute to MadMappers, either with data, data processing or volunteer work you will be credited in MadBucks!

You will be able to redeem your MadBucks against data from the MadMappers' archive.

and more: credits are in a proportion 1 for 2!

This means that if you contribute 1 map missing from the MadMappers Archive you will be rewarded with credits double the MMB value of the map you provided.

If you have created ANY map please contact us. If it is unfinished we will help you finish it. It will be added in the Raster Maps MadMappers section giving you full credit for your work.


Welcome to the MadMappers community!

Raster Maps | GPS Maps | Vectors | DEM | Satellite Imagery | Aerial Photos

© 2005