Russian Maps of Africa |
The African set of Soviet military topographic map mosaic on DVD
Soviet military maps were regularly updated until the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s
and remain still among the best available maps for Africa. The Military Topographic Directorate (V.T.U. -
Voyenno Topograficheskogo Upravleniya) was probably the most comprehensive mapping organization in the world.
It is estimated that 35,000 to 40,000 cartographers worked for the Russian mapping program in 1996 - a time
when the program was hardly at its zenith. The program extended to a number of African countries including
Angola, Mozambique, Somalia and Libya.
Accuracy? When compared against real GPS tracklogs map compliance is surprising:
Map accuracy at Standerton (South Afrrica):
the blue GPS tracklogs (courtesy of www.tracks4africa.com) is
remarkably compliant with sheet 2627-G35GS Johannesburg (1985).
It is this remarkable maps accuracy which lead Henry Dodds (editor of Janes Soviet Intelligence during 1988-92) to
ask the intriguing question: was there a Soviet attack plan of which the maps were an important component,
or were the cartographers just making maps anyway?
Russian Maps 1:500.000 DVD South: Southern Africa
DVD Content:
181 individual maps collar cropped and reprojected to lat/lon WGS84
GIS software compatibility:
The accuracy and level of detail is even more astonishing when considering
they were compiled under great secrecy during the Cold War.
The major drawback of these maps is that names are in Cyrillic characters. However Soviet maps generally
display transliterations of the 'official' pronunciation of place names. The practical
implication is that place names can generally be converted from Cyrillic characters to the English phonetic
equivalent using a simple chart (Cyrillic alphabet).
A list of Russian mapping terms was also complied by the US Department of the Army (Russian map terms).
In the quest for "African GIS data accessible to all" MadMappers have released for free download the
topographic 1:500 000 scale map collection covering the whole African continent. The 515 maps have been re-projected to geographic (lat/lon) WGS84 and collar clipped so that a continental mosaic
could be compiled. Files are geo-referenced and in the compact ER Mapper ecw format characterized by wavelet compression and indexed
zoom levels which result in fast loading and low random memory requirements.
How good can it be? ... we were curious and we ran an extreme test on an old Pentium II (as in 2) with 64Mb (as in Megabite) RAM
and a mere 727Mb hard disk space. No other option but to use the DVD rom, the 4,5Gb hard drive was just big enough for OS and our >3Gb African mosaic ...
We loaded the mosaic with Globalmapper and we timed it at ... 6,2 seconds! What about zooming in at 1:1? 7,7 seconds !!!
NO COMMENT (it's still a great machine .....)
Free plug-ins are available for most graphic
and GIS software packages (free ECW and JPEG 2000 Plug-ins).
Show coverage mosaic
Complete coverage of the African Southern hemisphere: i.e. south of the Equator;
PLUS Mosaic of Africa's Southern Hemisphere
free plug-ins available from ER Mapper
Oziexplorer and world file included
Oziexplorer and Global Mapper compatible
screen shot
Russian Maps 1:500.000 DVD North: Northern Africa
Show coverage mosaic
Complete coverage of the African Northern hemisphere: i.e. north of the Equator;
DVD Content:
334 individual maps collar cropped
and reprojected to lat/lon WGS84
PLUS Mosaic of Africa's Northern Hemisphere
free plug-ins available from ER Mapper
Oziexplorer and world file included
GIS software compatibility:
Oziexplorer and Global Mapper compatible
check screen shot MADMAPPERS PRICE:
R 300,00 / US$ 42,50
plus postage
The Russian Maps of Africa DVD collection - 3 DVDs
Show coverage mosaic
Complete coverage of the African continent
DVDs Content:
The 3 DVDs collection consists of
1) DVD "Russian Maps 1:500.000 DVD South",
2) DVD "Russian Maps 1:500.000 DVD North" and
3) DVD "Russian Maps 1:500.000 DVD Africa's Mosaic
(containing: the continental mosaic in a 3Gb file)
In total: 515 individual maps collar cropped
and reprojected to lat/lon WGS84
Mosaic of Africa's Northern hemisphere
Mosaic of Africa's Southern hemisphere
Mosaic of African continent
free plug-ins available from ER Mapper
Oziexplorer and world file included
GIS software compatibility:
Oziexplorer and Global Mapper compatible
check screen shot MADMAPPERS PRICE:
R 500,00 / US$ 72,50
plus postage
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